CENA=Jackass!! You even signed a contract. His word means nothing and to real car guys/gals all over the world: selling the gt to pay for a wedding is a puzzy move!!!! Way to show your true colors Cena.
CENA=Jackass!! You even signed a contract. His word means nothing and to real car guys/gals all over the world: selling the gt to pay for a wedding is a puzzy move!!!! Way to show your true colors Cena.
“Civic”?? Then you mean louder and more annoying. Not faster!!
Within 5 minutes of leaving the dealership. There are quite a few rich dipsticks out there!!
I disagree with you regarding the 100%. I hope you can find my comment above this one. I retired from a large police dept after my 20. This cop should be suspended and then I would suggest terminated!
First off I love jalopnik! 2ndly, I retired from full time police work after my 20 years and that included working traffic. The one thing you all are missing it seems is the “cop” is the one who dictated the tone of this stop. Sure, the fellow who honked could have controlled his language better, but I hate to say,…
Why is it that you and so many other bleeding heart liberals think its okay to violate the law? There is a way to enter this country. Thousands of others have done it over the years but no, some of you jackholes just think youre above the law!
Sorry, but I think its ugly! Now the S2000 and the new NSX are very cool!!
BASICALLY YOUR ENTIRE ANSWER IS WHAT AN ASSHOLE WOULD SAY. Funny thing is, you wouldn’t dare say anything like that to his face because youd be pissing in your pampers and crying for your mommy.
ERIN, I thought this jalopnik was dedicated to cool cars/trucks, not the BULLSHIT article above?
Oh come on guys! I thought you all knew about this! Yugo is back in business and its their Yugo supercar entry!!
Ive had body parts “panel bonded” and have had parts welded. I can tell you the panel bond in most cases is very superior!! Im not sure about this judgement, and its not that Im not sympathetic to the folks, it just seems off.
YET ANOTHER VERY GOOD REASON FOR CARRYING CONCEALED. Would have been nice if someone would have given this asshole lead poisoning.
I dont think YOURE looking at the same cars the rest of us are! Not gonna make out like a “bandit” AT ALL!
Thats NOT TRUE! Youve got to want to do something about it and NOT GIVE UP!
Oh, COME ON GUYS! Say it with me,,,, J B WELD!!😁