
“well cared for enthusiast owned” being put up for sale in the most appalling of conditions, not bothering to spend an afternoon washing and barring it down, vacuuming the inside and having Christmas in July on the dash as visible in the pictures?

This truck needs a personalized license plate: SML PNS.  

But probably spent $20,000 on meth and custom AR-15s.

You just wanted to see 100% CP didn’t you?

These things are a safety and health nightmare and the only way I’d be willing to pay $20,000 is if that’s what it took per truck to take every one of these off the road, crush them into cubes, and ban them for the future.

They’re not claiming it doesn’t. They’re just cutting payroll during the crisis. Also there are IT costs associated with working from home and likely productivity will go down regardless of how hard they work.

Yyeah, you keep talking shit when you're sucking air but cant get any clean oxygen to breath because of all the pollution including the tiny dick driving jacked up big trucks.  Sound like you've got the tiniest dick of all you massive duchebag.

Rolling coal is dumb, obnoxious and hazardous in many many ways. I’m glad they got fined. I don’t understand why the “thin blue line” decal mention was necessary. You could’ve just said MAGA sticker or confederate flag sticker. The picture you’re painting would’ve come through just as well without revealing your bias

“and a thin blue line decal in the back window”

REALLY? You will turn in your “Car guy” badge within the next week or it will be forcibly removed from you. I’m guessing you think the Dodge Demon shouldn’t continue to be produced?

For the amount of miles thes will cover it’s absolutely irrelevant. It’s like worrying about the mileage of my riding lawn mower.

Dude there are like 5 of these cars ever driving at the same time around the world... and not for many miles either, much fewer than Matt put on for his review.

WOW Justin, your articles never cease to amaze me. They just get crappier and more crappier!  Nice use of profanity at end, thinking (ignorantly) that it somehow makes your article better.  

Well if it sold for less than $1.2mil you’d have lost money on it. Take a $93,000 initial investment, add $1600/year in storage fees (not even counting insurance and any kind of maintenance you’d need to do to a car to keep it fresh for 30 years), and $1.2mil is your break even point vs. just investing the $93k @ 8%.

Except they have been sitting there for well over a year because people arent stupid enough to pay nearly 50k over MSRP for a vehicle like this. Its insane

Those prices are why they are still sitting. Look hard enough and you can find one with thousands off MSRP.

I’ve never seen one on the road. I realize they are low-production cars, but I’ve seen plenty of Lamborghinis, Ferraris, etc. Does anyone buy them to drive, or are they all going to be sad garage queens?

even if it only drives about 20 MPH

So he built a Ridgeline? 

When’s his first day at Jalopnik?