@brother.shrike: I did a normal trek in '06, Rayado in '07 (highly recommend it), and am going back to be a Ranger this summer. So stoked.
@brother.shrike: I did a normal trek in '06, Rayado in '07 (highly recommend it), and am going back to be a Ranger this summer. So stoked.
Hmm... I'm about to go Scout the wilderness of New Mexico at Philmont. Good times.
Wait, wait. They have cheerleaders in Japanese baseball? How is the MLB missing out on that?
@icarus212001: I agree. The art is phenomenal.
@AtticusSP: That would be nice. I'ms ure some mothers against gaming group would take care of that idea, though.
@KagaSakai: If only I played my Wii at all...
@TundraWolf: Since when is the system democratic? I think it's more Plutocratic...
@MrGerbz: M95 on day one? That'd be good for balance
I wonder if they'll test the app on all supported platforms for the Performance category. I know some apps work quite well on 3GS, but chug on the 3G (though both are supported).
So if she dies, does she not get the ring? Perhaps a sonic-style system is in order. She loses it if she gets hit once, but can grab it back as long as she's not hit again.
@Aparanoidandroi finally back on LIVE!: Don't forget about the Computers merit badge! It was always way too difficult unless you had programming experience, until they updated/overhauled it in 2008.
@gdamascus: I think that sums my feelings up nicely. What strikes me is that now, Webelos must have this pin to get there "all 13" award (or whatever; i've forgotten how many pins there are).
@5p.: Haha, believe me, kids have tried to bring their handheld platforms on camping trips. A blanket "no electronics" rule is in order. And then that one kid asks about flashlights. *facepalm
@Stealth_chill: That's in Girl Scouts. It goes in the same category as "Cookies & Dough" merit badge.
@BelgianBadger: June '07
@screemname: Isn't Bank of America the largest bank in the US? And Ticketmaster the largest ticket vendor?
@okenny :) ...building bridges (to hide under): Well that was a short discussion. haha.
Wow, that flaming helmet just screams "Shoot me! Shoot me!"
Dr. Halsey = a shout out to Admiral William Halsey, USN?
@MacGyver1138: Or you never read the directions for the cards XD