
If she has flowers growing down there, she should seek some medical help. Ask Sailor Moon for a referral.

What about on x360?

If my dog barked at my iPad like that every time I used it, I don't honestly know which I'd have to get rid of. Humanity fail? Or Apple win?

@Unionhawk: I wonder what the difference in this and a proxy is, then? I know some networks penalize/forbid users from using proxies...

@Koolaider: ...I think I've just been harassed. I'm going to go cry in the shower for a few hours now.

@Koolaider: Can online "touching" be considered sexual harassment?

@BreadKnight: Love that crazy guitar solo. Shred it

Loved the "Status: Headcrabbed" (13) and Spy (14). Well done.

@SeckzPanther: Meh. Not any time soon. Maybe never. I'll probably wait for a price drop. haha.

@SeckzPanther: That only works if people are turning on their game. I, for one, have played three other games through since MW2 launched (ME2, Bioshock 2, and BFBC2). If I was uninformed, I may not even know the dlc was released.

Hmm. They should sell it at the price it deserves ($10 max) for a week, to let the loyalists take advantage, then hike the price for a few months to get the most of the marketing blitz. The informed may call foul, but the informed also had their shot to get it on the cheap. The uninformed don't know any better.

@Scotsfan - GOTY Edition: I feel like number 3 was scripted to happen... which takes it down significantly in my book.

I hope that games rated 18+ won't be barred from sales like AO games in the US are by various companies (Target, Walmart, Gamestop, and so on...).

@Etheris: That's what you think! Portal 2-3D!!

@data_enabler: I don't know about that... judging how far one needs to jump to solve a Portal puzzle would be dificult without depth perception. Maybe an eyepatch a la Snake from MGS4 or something....

Hm. Play all at once and it sounds like... a beginner band warming up. All in the same key, but cacophony no less.

How can you so coldly ask about a death in the family? I'm still very... sensitive about my late x36o **tear