
Cleatus would be proud

  1. A player may not harm the Shield or, through inaction, allow the Shield to come to harm.

Oh, si, si.

1798...(checks calendar)

The only sports commentator who swings my decisions to subscribe to a network is Papi Le Batard. If Fox Sports gave him a show I would switch to watching them.


The real Skip Bayless is locked in a cell several hundred feet underground. There, his cruel captors siphon hot takes from his shattered mind 24 hours a day. Bayless huddles in the corner of his cell, naked but for a rough sackcloth and short length of hempen rope that he uses as a belt because it isn’t long enough to

An angry Baylor fan went up to confront MOB members after the performance. Rice students calmed the situation and walked him to concourse

Sure, blowing a 17+ point lead is a pretty good metric for choking, but a better one is missed game winning field goals of 35 yards or less. Bonus points if it’s under 30 yards, and/or would get your team into the playoffs.

Oklahoma was literally founded on the idea that you should be able to just take things away from Native Americans if you want it bad enough so I am not surprised.

Few classes of people in this world are as batshittedly convinced of their own influence and importance than college newspapers nerds and jesus fuck I miss that world so goddamn much I’m 32 and my DEEP AND IMPORTANT COLLEGE NEWSPAPER EXPERIENCE made me a legal editor in a hidden kingdom of batshit crazy conservative

Are the “politically correct police”the ones that shoot you? Or do they just make fun of you on Twitter? I keep getting this mixed up.

“I agree with Trent’s position on this and I spent the better part of 40 years not letting something as horrible as child rape interfere with my responsibilities to my football team.”

I wasn’t sure where I stood on this while Kaepernick issue, but now I’m glad it happened because it is going to force us to confront an ugly fact that no one wants to acknowledge and many young people don’t believe is even possible:

This may generate some reasonable commentary.

RIP Harambe

Marine here again. I can’t stand how conflated “the flag” has become with “the military.” I also can’t stand the knee-jerk “patriots” whose default position toward the military is genuflection, and anyone who fails to bend the knee is shunned. These are not the hallmarks of a free society.

A side question: At what point did “Support the Troops” morph into “Worship the Military?”