dark and brooding action-y shots sell games though ;)
dark and brooding action-y shots sell games though ;)
I have my iPod set to kill all apps when I press both volume buttons simultaneously. I can't recall exactly what does this, but if anyone wants to know, reply and I'll bother looking for ya.
They won't since most of their money still lies in search and the majority of people out there don't have a google account.
On the topic of wallets, anyone know of a quality, leather tri-fold wallet that's affordable?
How is the noise cancelling? Is it worth the price?
Anyone that looks down on another person for their preference is a snob, I think.
Audio Technica for me. The ATH-M50 is where it's at for over the ear. I haven't delved into the high end in-ear types yet. Highest I've gone was $40 with the Sony MDR-XB40EX.
Are you talking over/on the ear only? Because I have been using a pair of earbuds for almost two years and they're great. They sound good, they've been through multiple wash cycles (not sure if that's hampered quality or not) and they have that flat cabling.
I've had the regular R.A.T. 7 for a while. It's nice. Expensive, yes, but great.
clever, but wrong person. ;)
"QR Codes on Female Athletes' Butts Is a Stupid, Sexist Idea."
you don't say...what's your email?
People are greedy. That's the bottom line. However, some people are generous, which is great! I'm going to use this card, probably, and I'll also probably reload it at some point.
Yeah, they don't really know a darn thing.
Thanks, I was hoping to get something other than the first two comments provided, as I already realize the oh so popular adblocker option.
OKAY I'm tired of seeing all the text cut off by that silly facebook social plugin. Can we fix this? I'm on Chrome if that makes a difference.
ooooh, i get it now. I was looking for something missing, and I was half awake...and well, sometimes I can be fairly dumb. Two arrows instead of one being a triangle...
My install seems stuck on "Uncompressing system data files."
i dont get it