
Oh look, we're using characters from a language called English, the names referenced are in English, and your response was in English, but somehow pointing out that it's English is elitist AND racist?? What if it was a German game and they said German Alphabet? "oh he must think Germans are superior to English

Clever. I laughed, and I am actually watching this show, too.

That's what's great about sales if you can wait a couple weeks to play it. I mean I got Portal 2 (albeit a different company) for $35 a few weeks after release.

Yeah and I'm pretty sure I got it on the iPod Touch for...well, I'm in the US, so $1.99 on sale.

Bullet points are boring, haven't you ever sat through a presentation? However, books are interesting, as they are well-written.

What if I want to play both?

I would like to see two things from the iPhone 5: First, not that. Second, a smaller bezel.

I know, right?

I downloaded Adobe Illustrator over my G2's connection (T-Mo). That's 1.2GB in one file, and 1.4 via tethering. Then 340MB from Grooveshark, and less from other programs. In total, just over 2GB, and I have 4 days left. I've been holding back a bit because I'm worried of T-Mobile throttling me. I know it says

Thanks for the heads up, after a thorough look at the software (< 5min) I purchased it. Ahhh, gotta love snap judgements...

Oh Melanie, you are a goddess!

what the...wasn't there another google app that did this? Oh yeah. GOOGLE VOICE.

God? Why is this on the list?

It's sad for people to find contentment in what they consider affordable? That's backwards, sorry.

Oh I know, I've followed this game since they first announced it, but seeing the final game in action will be the true test.

If the game looks half as good as the art, I will be very happy.

And what about everyone who watched from their iPod Video when it was popular?

Congrats, you've happened upon a piece of exaggerated writing used to drive a point home. I seriously doubt he really believes that it will ever be so extreme, but it does get one's attention, as it did yours.

So they won't want to sell their games, and there won't be used games to buy...brilliant!

HERP DERP Let's punish all our fans who just bought the game for $60 by making them have to type in a code before they can play, THAT will boost sales! And let's also make it impossible for people to RENT video games, oh and how about we make sure people are less inclined to play our game EVER because they know that