
Vote: Sublime Text

Thank you for this, it helped me as well!

The Exchange is far from a "mom and pop" considering it has a couple dozen stores across four states. It's not bad though.

You'd have a hard time convincing me this picture isn't manipulated.

Yes however my problem is a 400GB monthly cap on a $100 a month 150mbit connection that would eat up that cap in hours when downloading or a few days when uploading. Talk about artificial caps....

This is what I do as well. I make it by the gallon.

You are correct and incorrect. You are correct that ink fades. You are incorrect for pointing this out because I was making an obvious statement meant as a joke. Just in case it isn't clear, this is not meant with ill intent either.

I assert that a city should have to meet certain criteria to be eligible. Primarily, they should be financially able to handle it. Also and perhaps more importantly, the country should be meeting standards of ethics for its citizens. Basically things we know places like Russia aren't doing. Then again, I guess

This needs to happen so we can see other new technologies. Let people innovate and let the market decide what survives. Someone might be inspired by this to create something even more amazing and useful.

Don't worry, he's probably just having a bad day.

Can we also talk about how "one of the only" is not really correct grammar? It should rather be "one of the few."

I've never had more than two drinks in one night at a bar, so I don't mind losing a couple extra dollars for each of those drinks. Bartenders, as far as I'm aware, put up with a lot of crap from idiot customers so the least I can do is tip well.

that's ok for slower progress, but for more quick progress you need to find better algorithms. Just look at video games and how they improved visually on the same consoles from the beginning to the end of the 360/PS3 era.

when did "catchy title" turn into click baiting? it's not wildly inaccurate or anything.

So is this software out of development now? Does Adam own it, or has someone else here taken it over?

Simply put: it depends on the goal. To me, so-called "lifehackers" enjoy the chase as much as the final product, so it's worth it for these people. Simply for efficiency? Case by case basis.

I can see it now, somewhere in one of the crevices is a place to swipe your plastic, so it's much more easy to give your money (or your parent's money) away!

eh, not really since MS has forced users to pay to play online since the 360 came out, so this is only going to upset the fanboys that were already on sony's side to begin with. ;)

Some things are lost to history. Example of a theoretical: Lincoln, to convince people to side with him, takes a more palatable position so people will actually get on board with his plans. If he had said aloud that they were equal in every way he would likely have been opposed. On the other hand, he may have