A poorly executed good idea.
A poorly executed good idea.
Also, all apps are very much idiotic on a desktop and I'm glad to be able to avoid using them. None of it makes any sense on anything except a smaller monitor with a touch interface.
Might I suggest Bins @ http://www.1upindustries.com/bins/
It happened to me for the first time today. I sent two texts to a guy and each were different numbers.
Anyone that talks about how bad the graphics are has never learned anything about how games are developed.
I'm sorry, but that's not quite right. It still uses the iPod/iPhone's DAC. The advantage to an LOD for audiophiles is that it bypasses the built-in amp, allowing the use of a superior one. This new dock connector can only put out a digital signal so if you use a lightning-to-usb cable you could use an external DAC…
Hey, you don't have to tell everyone where he's from, that's just embarrassing for those who live in the area.
Guess I'm going to have to support them and buy that Galaxy SIII this time around.
I think, more than that, we need a better global economy, because that will give people more time to waste on games instead of on a second job, and the ability to afford better internet which will push companies to expand. The problem there is that the global economy is crap right now.
apparently she can play and dance at the same time.
Um...my personal opinion here but Minecraft is the best game. It's design is deliberate and beautiful!
I suppose it's easy for those with a proclivity for technology, however, most people wouldn't know to use a $20 external hard drive adapter, or that they exist.
This is incredibly stupid. We should also stop selling bleach because if a child drinks it, they could die. There's an easy solution to this: KEEP IT AWAY FROM CHILDREN.
Um, nice article, but I WANT MAJORAS MASK FOR THE 3DS! I wish the only way wasn't to buy a ton of Nintendo games and register them on club nintendo...
Nope. On a tablet I'd definitely fill it up with Apps, movies, and essential music. Also, I'd store a good number of high res pictures on it :)
Remember the kids that tried to make up rules when playing a game, just so they could do whatever they wanted? The ones that didn't like the regular rules? They're the ones that grew up to hate any sort of restrictions. You know what happens when I don't like a phone? I don't buy it. What DOESN'T happen is that I…
Of course I'm wondering what the two weakest points for a bike lock to be as well as the strongest (hardest to steal if the lock is here) or is it all about the lock? How would you break one of those U-Shaped locks?
Of course I'm wondering what the two weakest points for a bike lock to be as well as the strongest (hardest to steal if the lock is here) or is it all about the lock? How would you break one of those U-Shaped locks?