
You know why? I know that if I had the money for one, I would have bought an iPhone. However it didn't have the storage capacity for all my music, so I would have had to buy an iPod classic (and I would have, too). So now that they've made a 64gb iPhone, I don't think people need worry about storage on their phone


The only obvious issue is going to be with the extra few gigabytes it takes up to leave room for hibernation data. I always wondered if it would eventually hit a random error given all I've heard about sleep mode and hibernation being finicky, but that was in years past. Windows 7 seems to have a solid grasp on the

I'm cool with the bottleneck for anther 3 years while they sort out the issues with SSDs and make them more affordable and easier to manage. Then I will probably install one.

So I'm using the Google Music Beta...should I bother with Spotify?

Yeah, my 1 year was expiring TODAY and you all post this, albeit, after I signed up but still.

what frank said, as well as there being a lot of movies/tv shows that are dvd only

hey, you're the one reading a website about how to "hack life" which is basically how to make things easier on oneself in one way or another.

protip: throw them in the washer with towels.

ah i see. thanks

I would buy these right away.

Hm, does my Radeon HD 5770 count? I wonder how inferior it is to the 6850...

I'm not talking about the chipset, just the microprocessor. The chipset is, in a desktop pc at least, the northbridge and southbridge, attached to the motherboard, which allows communications between the microprocessor, and everything else on or connected to the motherboard.

My point exactly, that it'd be difficult to find a processor for a laptop, when I can buy a great desktop processor in many places.

Could one replace the processing chip? That's usually the part I can't find...

To stare at my pretty armor. (provided they allow mods in Skyrim)

I would, however there's much less opportunity to upgrade them for less than the cost of the whole, as well as being overall more expensive to buy and then maintain. (heat control and what not)

I agree with you, however, to stay free from those that would seek to enslave and destroy, we must keep a militia and a police force. Those that are willing to break the law have no problem with using the most efficiently lethal weapon available to them.

I can't seem to find it. o.o

Is this a post from 2004 that got lost and just found its way on a blog?