So when I share this on Facebook, it will be indexing itself :D
@psycoking: Do you mean that it dumbs it down so you can clear it easier? Because the first time I read it, I thought "of course it's going to be easier if you've tried it already, that's called practice" but then I read it again.
@RaindropBebop: Yeah, and us t-mobile people get unlimited everything for....80? lol
@jak2rocks: if you're a prick, yeah. lol
@hjustin93: someone just won the mega millions over here too...
@allstaraugustine: meh
@hjustin93: I have, and I get great service where I live, but I'm in the Cleveland area.
and you couldn't just say 960,000,000x 540,000,000 pixels?
@Cromwell: Yeah, they're all rectangular with rounded edges.
@smertlagel: no, their corporate policy is why they're not the best. Their software kicks butt, if a little (or a lot) closed off (due to corporate policy).
Meh, I'm content with my G2.
@recoverytwo: it's just an idiom that means "no difference". Those that are really strict about the English language tend to hate the phrase.
@ProfessorOak: Thank you, Professor, for your keen insight, as always.
@PAULINK: Yeah, and the original wasn't in 3D either :P I'm not sure about you, but I would LOVE to see a remake of OoT with 2011 PC high end graphics. Not gonna happen, I know, but a man can dream.
@BigBooBuddy: Then wrap your hands around it.
yea and 64 percent of statistics are made up.
what about dvd-rw?