
same result by hammering a nail through a block of wood at an angle...or get a magnetic bottle opener and stick it to something!

Apple, once again, took a good idea and showed us exactly what NOT to do with it.

There's nothing "old" or "tired" about Windows. By that logic, Apple's desktop OS is just as old and tired anyway.

Where are the winter themed ones? (for those of us who like snow)

We'll call it the "flex n pinch"

I've seen the trailer before. .

This makes me sadder than being rickroll'd

@heroineworshipper: One trick ponies usually do that trick better than a jack of all trades.

Can't we just get TVs that change physical aspect ratio according to the video being watched? Jeez, what's the hold up?

@Ioden: so what's a class member?

wow, not at all useful. I was expecting some sort of game or something, not more "how to get drunk in style" tutorials...people already know how to do that.

@Wofaymay: oh really? crud...i don't have the results from when i first used it. any ideas as to what i should do?

@RascalkingTK: Same here, cept he taught us VisCom kids some basic flash.

The artist behind these games, Dan Paladin, came to our VisCom class and gave us a crash course in Flash Animation back in 07...at least I think it was 07. He was in the same class when he was in High School, so I'm sure he was happy to. Either way he demoed some of the characters from Castle Crashers too, so when I

@Dave-Farquhar: Well, I just tested it six times and got six VERY different answers and response times from the various servers. I think this program (namebench) is trying to screw with me. ;)