I want my iPod to work BEFORE plugging it in to my PC...kinda like my shiny new G2.
I want my iPod to work BEFORE plugging it in to my PC...kinda like my shiny new G2.
@Korrupt: lala.com was bought by apple. read up on how lala worked. it read what music you already had and let you listen to it online.
@iStig: Remember that they bought Lala.com, so they probably have it all ready to go, they just haven't flipped the switch yet.
@cruzer555: I've seen 5, and mine isn't clearish blue either.
@Christopher001: It was a good idea in 2004. Think "MySpace".
@xd.Balls: yup. Except I never got gconnect for gizmodo, so maybe Zuckerburg DID find the source of magic hidden in Stonehenge.
@mech113: Everyone knows Dropbox is much better for sharing files, and if they were going to use gmail, why not use the integrated chat feature? These girls obviously don't know what they're doing.
@RockySterling: Never.
Except for when I don't want every last service I sign up for to automatically have my profile information, or at least know it's there. I'd really rather keep things separate somewhat.
@pucrepeap: Yeah, well I like google. :P
@cagrino: Oh, is Google TV that ubiquitous now? :-/ I haven't followed it.
Don't smack your lips or anything like that when recording a video...it's distracting. x.x
@shufflemoomin: Yeah? And Charle's Babbage's Difference Engine was a far cry from a smartphone, but it was a key step in the right direction.
@triplecheeseburger: but it'd be so hilariously unique, people would think you're mad until you showed them. Then they'll simply think you're mad! yup.
What I find interesting is that ALL of them have a webpage that gives me the impression that they aren't that great of a business. Oh well. I know the storefront doesn't make the businessman, but it helps.
You know, I feel that the rules on what one can and cannot post should be loosened on blog posts that are of the same low quality, as this is.
One trick ponies may only be good for one thing, but they're probably better at that one thing.
@jojo13jojo233: Yeah, poorly worded. Maybe he is sexist, but I give people the benefit of the doubt. I figure what it sounds like isn't quite what he meant.
@HaveBlogWillTravel: Agreed, as men need to love their wives, women need to respect their husbands.