@samuel.ayaz90: I'm still holding my breath for TES V
@samuel.ayaz90: I'm still holding my breath for TES V
This doesn't protect from zombies though.
oh great, another misinterpreted piece of rock. I'm sure they have such irrefutable evidence, but I'm not believing it for one second.
That's a very modern looking tombstone.
Yeah, the love of money is simply stated as "the root of all kinds of evil." I'm actually kind of suprised you didn't state it as "money is the root of all evil," as most people do. Oh wait. You did.
@bobkoure: Thank you for the link, I'll consider it. It does look like one ride in the rain (when I need it most) is going to ruin this, but perhaps some glue (or sugru!) around the cracks will seal it up nicely. For under ten bucks, what can one expect I guess.
@baglunch: I want to know this too. All the reviews talk about is all the cool new features, but exclude how it sounds. uuuuugh.
Paranoia anyone?
@Ookseer: What would you say about my idea for a pressure switch for a brake light on my bike? Any ideas/recommendations?
I would adapt this to my bike where this activates brake lights whenever I squeeze the levers. This would definitely help other drivers and my own safety!
@thePrototype: thanks :D
Where is the desktop version of this?
Yes, I've had that in my head since 2000 or so, but then it was more abstract, since I was a child.
"hurr durr, we want a better game so we're going to destroy it!"
@OkayOctane: yeah, heard it too...creepy.
@ithyphallus, 13382: yup, it happened.
@Taj Gunn: same
Um, did anyone else hear the "achievement unlocked" blip from the Xbox 360 after he was shot? Because I did.
yeah, this is old news, and I got a higher FPS on my old rca security camera that I hooked up to the tv. :D Don't plug the audio in though, it gets painful!
Greaaaaat, the government who can't seem to do much right is telling, him how to do things right.