
My PC has 4GB of RAM currently. I recently decided that a 64-bit OS would be a good idea, since I've heard only good things from it. Except I've had more slowdowns than from my 32 bit. Firefox crashes almost daily, same with chrome (though I've heard that chrome can crash a lot anyway). Explorer freezes to the

Pomegranate is a great treat but not often because of their frustrating nature. That's why I sometimes simply spring for pomegranate juice. It couldn't be simpler...or cleaner! (I've had to clean up stains off of white furniture...)

RAM!!!! What's cheap? The RAM for my computer is $20-25 a gig.

YES! I got it. That made my day, almost as much as Jesus does. (no, not Diaz, haha)

Maybe I'm old school, but I want access to all my files when I'm in a place that isn't connected to the internet, and I don't want to have to carry flash drives/hard drives around. It's a fantastic idea, but it would only work for some people. I'd love to have it, but it'd be a toy more than my primary computer.

@jbaranski: oh yeah, it works after a few minutes...it's weird.

"You attempted to reach chrome.google.com, but the certificate that the server presented has been revoked by its issuer. This means that the security credentials the server presented absolutely should not be trusted. You may be communicating with an attacker. You should not proceed."

youtube crashed it...too bad!

@itsjareds: Yeah, and for people such as myself who would be willing to set up a low power media server, I could stream my collection from home...somehow! haha

This could be great on my laptop. I think this will be VERY popular on netbooks. Heck, one could have only a few gigs of flash memory as the ONLY hard storage space and put chrome os on that. This means NO HARD DRIVE FAILURE...that and it'd be stupid to put an OS that doesn't store stuff on your computer on a 250gb

@Joe Preble: which would force them to buy a new Xbox 360 whilst preserving the gamertag's achievables and what not, so as to not enrage that 1M THAT much...i guess.

Ugh, I've been using MSE since its beta...and recently I was slammed with a bug that BSOD'd my computer and wouldn't let it boot except into safe mode. Even then, it BSOD'd at random intervals while in safe mode. I even did a virus scan with a CD and i couldn't fix it, so I simply reinstalled and I've been fine. :)

@wickedcupofjoe: ah I see. I actually emailed apple once b/c I screwed that up and they cleared my authorized computers. Lucky me. lol #windows7

@wickedcupofjoe: deauthorizing makes sure you don't use up your 5 authorizations b/c you can't deauthorize a computer without having access to it and if you delete that install of the os it doesn't exist. :P #windows7

I love it. I've been using it exclusively since the mp3 bug was patched. It's treated me well. Unfortunately that forced me to do a clean install twice since then. Now I'm on the retail version, and it's running smooth. I think that an operating system is running well if you don't know it's there, and windows 7

it needs an icon for us firefox users who use icon only bookmark bars

Gues what...you can't zoom pictures or even edit a simple text file. Other than that, it's epic. I'm loving it....and yes, this is the reason i un-jailbroke my ipod touch. That and i was fed up with all the crashing.

@finnigan16: All they can do is guess. They were probably playing D&D and the dice happened to land on 7, 1, and 5, so the guy, pissed off at low numbers, decided to screw with the world.