@Citizen Kang: Grammar is important, but you'll likely wear your fingers to the bone then use the bones to gouge out your eyes before you are able to correct every last person's sentence structure.
@Citizen Kang: Grammar is important, but you'll likely wear your fingers to the bone then use the bones to gouge out your eyes before you are able to correct every last person's sentence structure.
@Citizen Kang: This guy needs a subscription to Sarcasm Monthy.
What that actually does is keep your frappuccino cold and your latte hot, depending on what setting you have it at. I see the person who took that picture enjoys a cold coffee.
If you're Eddie Izzard you don't need this article.
I recently started to really like the V5. I would go for a nice fountain pen if I had money to burn though.
@vicryixiv: It's nice for me, with two monitors, when I'm trying to see how my computer performs with certain applications or games...with style. But again, you're right, ctrl+shift+esc does a good job too.
@robdew: I know, right?
Shoot, I'd buy the 16gb and use it withOUT a plan. It's everything my ipod touch is with a Camera, and i paid $230 for it!
@Cordfucious of Tech Clan: Oh. Snap.
@Purple Monkey Dishwasher: That's exactly what I thought.
This makes me sad. Seriously, all these guys need to get together, talk to MS about how it went down with them, and beat the snot outta Palcrap.
Guess what. It doesn't work properly because my download manager intercepts the zip file it tries to use and downloads it. That's...what i call bad protocol...or something. Anyway, it's annoying.
Win from iTunes. Sorry, but it does what I need, what I want, and does it well enough to satisfy me. I have an iPod touch too...so that helps.
Blowtorch. Nuff said.
@Sticks Calhoun: Only level 10? Man, the standards are low now!
@Orng: yeah. It's where people who have a knack for tweaking are left out in the cold. So youtube is pretty good for that.
@adbak: I hope so. Flash can be so slow.
@1112: do us a favor and point them out and describe in sufficient detail why they're better. Then maybe people will agree. :]
@tymwalt: 200mb? That's not very large.