@timdickinson: Yeah, but they're picky. I can't just upload anything. They may not like what I upload.
@timdickinson: Yeah, but they're picky. I can't just upload anything. They may not like what I upload.
@jbaranski: Oh yeah, and our phones are wireless...so that's more quality loss.
@Izkata: except, I've talked to people with landline phones, and still miss a lot.
@HartleyAuxo: Amen! I can't stand not being able to hear HOW someone says something.
My word...landlines are SO much better! However, now my parents have bundled their phone with Cox...and it's an internet phone. On top of that, the person I call most, my girlfriend, only has a cell phone. There's a lot of "what did you say?" It's really annoying.
yeah, I can understand all that, but 69% of people so far have voted on digsby's blog to keep the crapware system in place. *shrug*
@Phoshi: that would be hilarious. Watch, LH posts a follow-up next week titled: "Microsoft Buys i4i Because of Legal Crap" or something. haha
@wolfman544: it sounds like i4i is doing what Apple does, or maybe vice-versa, by making a very vague blanket-type patent so no one else is able to innovate on their discoveries.
@wdonnell: I wish that would work, but try moving your mouse away from the screen to do something else on your other screen, or your other tab. There goes what you were looking at, and you have to navigate back to it. I saw this a few years ago and thought it was awesome, I only wish it was practical.
but hey, pay attention...it's SERIOUSLY out-dated.
okay did no one get the picture? I did...and lol'd.
Remains of the day...always fun!
it's sad that oxyclean isnt here.
another example of the government sticking its nose in the wrong places...
I say Digsby needs growl notifications...JK! it already HAS them! woot! :D
@Erbavore: So? He broke the rules, that's the point. If we don't put a spotlight on people who break the rules, rule breakers will run rampant and unchecked.
@Xander: didn't you see the upgraded shiny new ban hammer? It smashes firsters.
@ArJay: banned. I really don't like "firsters", but I do like growl.
so now whenever windows tells you to activate you're going to use WAT, windows activation technologies. So if a pirate is found out, the service that caught him matches his reaction. WAT?!