
The emotional vindication I get from this show…

I couldn't stop laughing. Pretty much the best episode so far. That scene where she asks Patrick how to be normal is the most relatable thing ever.

Exactly! I know people are upset with me for "shipping" these two but that's not even my point. The show feels so energized ever since the introduction of Nathaniel. I even love the way they're building a relationship between him and Darryl. I find his character interesting beyond just being a romantic foil for

God damn it, this show always gets to me.

I heard that there's a 4-5 season timeline with it ending on a positive note, so I feel like the Nathaniel potential is accurate here

That's one of those "pick your adventure" endings though, like Breaking Bad. Where did they say this? Ugh. That makes me sad. Obviously it's the cooler narrative but emotionally disappointing.

Haha this all ties in with Karen's "stuck between a man and a snake" winky dilemma. Love it.

I love that theory! It actually fits. Sunil mentioned so much how he was a theater major but also knew how to code so well, which is a really prominent Stanford department (computer science).
Also Sunil is super young compared to Donna because he only has young daughters.

I agree, yeah, this whole "workaholic to normal person" struggle is super interesting to me. That's why I hope Nathaniel is around long-term.

Do you know how many seasons they have planned?

Yeah, I think the big wedding will fall apart next episode and they'll try to do a small, non-denominational country clerk ceremony in the finale and I think Rebecca is going to be the one to say no. Or I just hope somehow it's stopped. But I want it to be her choice, not his. It's honestly to frustrating to see her

No, I totally understand what you mean. And I agree. Which is why I was saying that she needs to back off all men and focus on herself. Actually so does Josh, like Greg did. And even Nathaniel now. I even mentioned getting involved with theater again because I feel like that's going to be important for her, like she

Agreed. He prevents her from deluding herself. And she seems like she could make him a nicer, more considerate person/actual human being. Also I know Fontana has that broadway voice but Foster seems not only hotter but to be a better actor and have more overall potential, you know? Fontana always just seemed kind of

Yeah, I hope they go very long-term with this because Nathaniel seems like he has farther to go than Rebecca at this point in terms of personal development.

I just honestly feel so much more chemistry between Nathaniel and Rebecca than Greg and her (though I wonder if that's also because Scott Michael Foster has a more expressive face). I feel like we all just got attached to Greg because Josh was such a horrible option and love interests being witty/sarcastic is so

I'm really surprised more people aren't into Nathaniel. And I don't mean this just because Scott Michael Foster is hot. Maybe I'm just partial to similar people pairing up.

I honestly couldn't take Scandal seriously from Season 1. I tried. But it was so over the top and weird. It mainly has to do with the fact that I hated Olivia Pope and her dumb "relationship" with the President who is so inept from the start and it upsets me how much support and infrastructure he has. He just reminds

Oh yeah, all the case by case stuff in season 1 was shit. And there's always the typical junk that ABC shows have in Murder, but it's still so much better. And honestly, there were parts to this mystery I hadn't figured out until it was revealed to me. That's a big deal to me, mainly because mysteries are hard to draw

I thought it was genuinely him being him, like when their personalities seep through between brain phases.

Haha exactly! Scandal is shit. Sorry (but kind of not sorry at all)