
God, yeah, Caleb was such a bad actor that I kept thinking he was a psychopath trying to show empathy. And showing Michaela the gun RIGHT after sex? Really? He makes himself look bad. After their confrontation where she called him a whore, I was sure he was the murderer.

I think Sam's always been secretly kind of awful. What type of self-respecting psychiatrist marries a patient? I think they're going to show more flashbacks and expose this marriage some more. I think there'll definitely be more stuff with Wes's dad in the next season.

I feel like more than amnesia, facing his impending death freaked Blaine into a new state of empathy. Remember how nice he was in the last episode with his henchmen? I feel like there's so much more to this character. I personally love him despite his machinations as the show went on in season 2. So funny and unique.

This is so true. All those people locked in a garage somewhere. This show is so unexpectedly interesting. Highly underrated.