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    I have a feeling that most things listed have already been motorized. #qotd

    This has been hashed out already in the comments below, but since new comments go to the top now, I'll add my two cents.

    @imag: Blah blah blah. $400K buys me an Italian thoroughbred for more flash and an Atom 500 to leave you weeping at the track.

    Well it is quite beautiful and a testament to the skill of the builders, but it is ultimately a flashy piece of kit to show off at the old boys club. After skimming through the book, there are too many compromises in my opinion. This would not stand up to repeated track use, a must for cobra I am commissioning in my

    We knew the other truck was overloaded because it broke. I would say that this is at the Honduras recycling approved load limit. #trucks

    @Ray Wert: The hamsters don't even respect the big boss man?

    @pauljones: BTW, I think I am going to have to spend the next few hours reading about WWII. I blame you for any lost productivity. :)

    @pauljones: If I remember correctly, The US and Russia each produced 5 tanks for every one made by nazi Germany. The German blitz was devastatingly effective, but 10-1 odds hard to overcome. I'm not discounting Patton's genius, but I believe it is widely considered that numbers won tank battles for the allies.

    @pauljones: Do you know how Americans won the tank war in WWII?

    This guy needs to learn it is impossible to recoup the costs of modifications. There are so many better options for $20,000.

    @TimTim: Go back and look at that list. GTPSP has thirteen different Miatas. There are number of other overlaps and redundancies. In GT4 there were two stupid cars for every one that I wanted to drive.

    @brownie has no witty phrase to add: In GT4 and F2 every car drove differently. I can only expect it will get better. The expensive wheel controllers make the experience better.

    Real world - $50K gets me a used ZO6 as well as most other cars.

    Miatas are terrifying one the highway where you could achieve sustained high noise. They are much more at home on a lonely twisty road.

    @s_teve: I think fuel additives for man or machine are against race rules.

    @chucky2jimmy: They could probably build a kit Caterham in a half hour.