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    Ironic intro music, since the original Alan Parsons Project was a missile defense shield aimed at protecting Alaska from giant mutant hockey-stick-wielding Polar bears that came to life from constellations.

    In an urban environment, I am most scared of minivans. I'll go with that.

    Nice price, but not where I would spend my fictitious $375,000.

    What a terribly boring race that was.

    @bmoreDLJ: That made my head hurt.

    @pauljones: I hate Toyota for the same reason.

    I trump your reality with the colorful one I created in my head.

    @VeeArrrSix: I would totally appreciate someone hanging boat bumpers off the back of their car. Funny and functional.

    @bboothy: The problem is it simply isn't the halo line with the stated performance. You can see my post below, but I think the biggest problem is using the M1 name.


    @ThreeLitre: Hmm, this is what jealousy feels like. I am taking my car to the track in mid October, though this will probably increase the desire for $3k+ in suspension mods.

    That is $36.5 million per year, btw. The driver shake up will be one of the most interesting stories for next season.

    I think hybridizing any super car and retaining the super car name is utter crap. Just keep making the original and call the new blandness something else. Problem solved.

    Anything to cover up the 1.8T.

    @GtAkReYz: Fleet averages is the main point. If they sell 1,000 M1s that get 15mpg, its completely negated by 100,000 328i that get 30mpg.

    I am an avid BMW fan. I have looked the other way for the past decade as their cars have gotten heavy, complicated and, uh, 'funny looking.' I have made excuses as the M division slowly stopped building race-inspired sports cars and started building sporty grand tourers. I have forgiven them this because, in my

    @IronicalBalls: I got my Xbox in December 2005(launch). With only one failure in almost four years, it has been more reliable than every other computer I have ever owned and had the quickest turn around from any service center. They also fixed it for free 2 1/2 years after I bought it.