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    I took a counteroffer once, and it was a good decision, primarily because we structured it so I would move into a newly formed group, independent of the main company, and one that desperately needed my talents, knowledge and skill. So no 'damaged goods'. But that was a rare situation - I definitely think that most

    hey, I've done all three of those things (marathon, novel (x3), new company (x3)). So I can say with some authority that you do not actually have to love running to run a marathon. I know I don't. I started training for a marathon because I loved my wife, and she wanted to run a marathon, and she was scared of

    @CarrerCrytharis: I think I'm missing what you were expecting. Thanks for chiming in... (clap....clap...clap...)

    I hope it splode's and kills lots of smelly dirty burning men.

    @tomsomething:Actually... sounds like something Kenny Powers would do.

    I thought it was a fun movie to just play with ideas and visuals. Oh yeah it was forced, contrived, and self indulgent... but that's what art is and that certainly what the first one was. You can't possible expect Tron to change everything.

    I wonder if the plan was to make Braniac a kryptonian. I might be okay with this.

    great illus Sam

    @tande04: NO! You are supposed to cut the blue wire.

    @Erik The Red:Indeed. I've got an empty coffee mug in my bathroom that I use as an amplifier. It seems to double the volume.

    Perhaps they're just fans of Idiocracy. "Fuck You" is a common greeting in the future

    Ohhh... "Venous" pump.. sounded different at first.

    @MifuneT: Where i grew up we called it something else... Ring and run I think!

    Don't forget the part about only attempting delivery during the working hours of 99% of the population... returning the same time each day. That should work.

    The old Bugs Bunny cartoons knew this decades ago.

    @TheCrudMan: I got two Sapporo's and a salmon roll... where it's at.

    Apple uses shitty cheap subscription photo sites? damn.