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    @DocWalt: "That's how you Tokyo drift, bitch."

    I would love to say something very jolop about razor sharp handling, but I must agree with Matt since crumple zones have saved my life.

    Soooo, People received $3500-$4500 for vehicles worth much, much more?

    I have never been afraid of drivers in the United States. Even the worst drivers here seem to have some respect for human life and deeply care about their own.

    @bens: Very true.

    This is amazing. I can't wait to watch in HD in lieu of whatever gets posted in a torrent!

    Well that is awesome. Congrats!

    I would have walk out, pick up a handful of shit and shoved it in the closest person's face.

    @Jeb_Hoge: heard click for train horn. This should piss the city off enough to park full garbage trucks next to them.

    Cars aren't going away.

    YES! If I ever have kids, I know the car for me.

    @lilwillie hides autos in the attic: In the latest C&D (Yes, I still get it. I like reading things made of paper.) there was an article about buying an old WWII jeep and participating in D-Day reinactments and celebrations.

    If I had the disposable income I would own one already.

    @pauljones: Dodge has the best looking car with the biggest trunk. It's for 50 year old men who want to take it golfing. Just too big and heavy IMO.

    The power and torque difference is so close that I think we should be talking about vehicle weight. Mustang wins handily on weight/power.

    First, is there really a "red line" for an electric engine? A red line in a proper engine is a point beyond which the engine will likely be torn asunder. In an electric engine, its more limited by available amperage(I think. Electronics are witchcraft and wizardry IMO)