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    Seems fair.

    @Ben Wojdyla: Well, I don't think anyone should have to deal with this alone. I forgive you.

    I really am shocked you posted this. I think it is appropriate for you to apologize.

    It's not like he just up and decided to sell some guns. There is a lot of work involved to be federally licensed to sell firearms.

    @TimTim: Just go to walmart, they already sell guns.


    @Ash78: I havent been around much today, but this is my COTD nom.

    The first crash starts at 14 second, the second starts at 27 seconds. What was the other driver looking at to miss the horrible wreck that happened 13 seconds down the road. lets assume they were going a mere 30mph, thats 44fps. That's 572 ft down the road. A bus could stop from 80mph in that distance.

    I'm pretty pumped for this release. I've always said that GT5 would get me to buy a PS3, but since that is never going to happen, the Forza franchise has filled in nicely.

    @scroggs: Mmmmmm, breakfast burrito...

    Just get a big car and forget about it.

    @petersterncan: That is a good point. We really don't have to care that much about safety because the gubment forced the auto makers to do it for us.

    @Ash78: I agree with you, but the question was about safety ratings and not safety in actual driving conditions. Besides, they are scary as hell on real roads. Visibility is atrocious.

    Anyone who lusts for a Elise must respond 'NO'

    Not in the least.

    @monsterajr: Electrical tape on the brand new Audi? You must be mad!

    @Scandinavian Flick: I avoid the mall, the public and even the internet on new iphone day.