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    The world can be a strange place, especially when you make the mistake of interacting with some of it's inhabitants.

    Now this is good news. My dad has been talking about a sports car for fun and the occasional track day. Perhaps I could talk him into this.

    @Tyson: I'm not sure people are ready to talk about Bob. It still brings up painful memories...

    Congrats on a hilarious comment!

    @DLBlast: I consider myself a car guy, and I've only changed my own oil once. We have family friends who owned a shop, and he only charged me $4 over what it cost me to do it myself, and that $4 was worth the savings in hassle.

    Just out of curiosity, what are the service requirements on a car like this? It looks like a racecar and is fast like a race car, so does it require service like a racecar?

    Double post.

    @engineerd: It's a bit strange to promote one of your comments. Congrats on the return and have a scotch on me.

    Noble always reminds me their are way more cars that I want than I could ever have. I have been smitten with these cars since I saw an M400 speeding around a track.

    @Flathead Smith: Congratulations on a great comment. I'll be rooting for Power Wheels Mustang Kid!

    @philibuster: Sign me up. Another set of steelies wrapped in plastic tires sound like boat loads of fun.

    I was unaware they could slide like that. Now I just need some offspring...

    Baby got back. They should have taken a few more design queues from their own CRX and sharpened up that back end.

    That's gotta be a wild ride. I've never been off at a track day(Expensive machines that don't belong to me) so I can only imagine what its like to roll in the middle of a heated race. The adrenaline must have been off the charts.

    @eggwich: Rare and Kind of unnerving actually. It makes me think they forgot the cheap and easy punch line. We all know it's hilarious every time they make fun of NASCAR fans.

    It may be before my time, but this is top three in my fantasy garage. If I had the means, price would be no concern.

    From the wikipedia entry "Cupcake,"

    Its not this, so not excited.