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    @mr_dude: You are also going to need a truck. It needs to be able to haul the Maserati or needs to be full of cash to follow it down the road.

    The dealership has to kill the engine, but not the car, right? I know this is pretty much blasphemy, but I bet the boxer from the WRX would fit in there.

    "the guy on pole winning too often"

    Woah, not a lot going on in Jalopland today. I would have to say nice price only because you would be sure to never see another one. Uniqueness is worth something.

    @Rock517: Good to hear from you!

    Looks like plenty of space for a child to explore the rusty, jagged frame underneath the astroturf.

    The Dodge Caliber made the list and I have officially lost faith in humanity.

    @ThreeLitre: Could the front wind shield come down abruptly, and the tarp just stretches over it? Also, compared to that man the car looks massive. I'm not excited yet.

    Heavy rubber mallet.

    We now know what school of economics old John subscribes to.

    If launch control wreaks havoc on the tranny, what exactly will doubling the torque do to its lifespan?

    I have a garage with about 200 cars in it ranging from clunkers to luxury euro. Unfortunately the garage is at the base of my apartment building and the cars don't belong to me :(

    Oh come on, this is easy.

    I would have to go with the modern turbo fours and sixes. Engineers have gotten incredible power across the RPM range in smaller and lighter engines.

    @yellofury :bigger longer and more yellow: Look, I know I sound a bit like a hypocrite, but I'm really not. I like my car, but it's not considered cool by Jalopnik. I would never be so pretentious as to put my car on display, and if I even had a home with a garage it would contain cars, tools and beer.

    So this isn't a carport at all. It's a snobbish, standalone garage for your swankmobile. It come complete with absolutely no tools, because garages are clearly for watching tv and giving yourself a big pat on the back for owning a cool car.