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    @Graverobber: When your car get whipped by autos half the price, it is prudent to leave such information off the spec sheet.

    @1300ccsoff*ckingfury: Zee Germans will provide this if you go in and order it. I suggest the S4 Avant.

    I do believe I can find one with similar motivation for cheaper.

    @bigblockautoX: How long have you have that saved in a word file, waiting for something relevant to post it?

    can i just change out the engine and transmission and call it a kit car?

    Good thing the performance sedan market is plenty healthy right now.

    @engineerd: Rooting for an E30 in LeMons is like rooting for the yankees. I just don't se the fun in it.

    @Northernsky: Actually, steel becomes very brittle at such low temperatures. you don't want your balls shattering.

    Most cars would be awesome to drive.

    First of all, are you actually awake when you post this? That is very early on the west coast.

    I'm going to pretend to not be jealous.


    The Ferrari posts always make me want to work hard and strive for more, but as a recent victim of the financipocolypse , this one just makes me bitter and angry. It's now going to take me longer to get my first Ferrari, unless I win the lottery.

    @Syrax: I love the way that asswipe laughs.

    Hey look, I can power slide, haha! I can... hold on...

    @Shane Joseph: Why, because they are doing something exciting and different? They are easily going to win the luxury/performance per dollar award.

    These new Hyundai's are looking mighty good. I suspect there are plenty of people out there who don't care what brand is on the car and only care about how nice it is inside.