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    That is incredible. I am curious what today's F1 cars could accomplish on the track. That is, of course, if they could take the punishment of one lap.

    @SirNotAppearing: There is also a rule that if someone wants your car, you have to sell it for $500. I will be attending your race.

    They should have just sold them for scrap.

    @PetroSapien: All things considered, its two feet longer and has many more features.

    It's like an Elise with some luxury and room for an overnight bag. All it costs is 1000lbs. 400HP goes a long long way in making up for it.

    I want this car, but I would take the standard version with a little diesel as well. I'll take it in red.

    @engineerd over 200 served: I beleive he is talking about swapping the W16 into the back of a prius. That's how I'm going to take it at least.

    Yes, there are still plenty of people making shit tons of money. I look forward to hating the many special editions of this car.

    This picture is overwhelming. My mind really can't think of anything else to describe the awesome image in front of me.

    @fabriciom: It's a racecar. After the team gets it, there will be a lot more sponsor stickers. Also, its a racecar and that splitter is practical.

    @Syrax: That girl looks like she wants to kick my ass.

    If Lambo was still owned by Italians, this guy would have been dead months ago.