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    I'm far more interested in the race action.

    A little late, but I find it funny this promptly took the place of the Geneva booth babes in the top stories bar.

    I would love to pick one, there isn't one I would turn down if offered for free. On the other hand, I would probably accept anthrax if it was giving to me free of charge, so I'll say Nissan GT-R.

    @Ash78: LEGO actually did give you extra parts, something I loved them for. I would end up with a big bucket of parts after my spaceships "crashed."

    I'll take one. I will also take a LEGO-style instruction booklet on how to put it together.

    If you can't get to the other side of the Jeep, they would have been better off waiting for dryer conditions and coming back with shovels.

    I just hope against hope that these morons didn't procreate. That would be the ultimate failure.

    @Chris P. Bacon: Continuing the antiquated, Star Wars themed memes:

    Only $500,000? Is it just him, one mechanic and two cars made of spare parts? That doesn't sound like near enough money for a whole season.

    I will be interested to hear the reviews.

    A regular camper makes much more sense. Your living room and bathroom are the great outdoors (central park) and your shower is natural waterfalls (drinking fountains)

    Wow. It's pure American-ness. What a great selling point.

    Police here are using Toyotas! That's just downright mean.