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    @jbownsabmw: Or remote control automatic shotgun turret.

    Sweet Zombie apocalypse vehicle as well, but needs more minigun turret up on top.

    The poster on my childhood wall screams YES!

    They do have a point about drawing the line somewhere, but its not European style to expect someone or some company to make it on their own.

    "Uh hallo? Iz diz zee M devizion?"

    They already use this as a design influence.

    X5 and X6? Whatever.

    @elwood: Don't worry about the wet spot on the floor. It's just my drool.


    If you want a real answer, it's got to be Schwarzenegger in Last Action Hero. The entire movie is epic.

    Duh, Nissan Versa!!!

    @FromaBuick6: It's shocking I know, but they say things just to get a reaction.

    Canadian Mist for the Camaro

    Smash a bottle of Sapporo if the hosts reference the Japanese making, "cars Americans want to buy," then take a shot of bourbon.

    Shot of Sake if Ray mentions the Toyota gov't loan.

    @sos10: Germany is not just another run down part of the eastern bloc because of the United States.