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    Come back here I'll bite your kneecaps!

    They aren't even going to try?! Bankruptcy is a terrible idea so soon. I don't think this is like the airlines. There is plenty of foreign competition to turn to if GM files for bankruptcy. I also see it having a ripple effect that takes down Ford. People will think, "If one can go, the others can't be far

    @idesigner: Building and electric vehicle and manufacturing them for sale are not the same thing.

    @MZЯ: No, its a proper list. They would have had to mess up the numbering or only include one item to not be a list.

    @layabout: Funny thing about DC, it is the only place I have seen segways in any number. There are companies that give tours of the monuments on them. It hilarious to see 10-15 helmeted people cruising around awkwardly on a segway trying to keep them still while someone talks in front of the capital.

    I kinda want the chair that looks like it was whittled out a single piece of wood.

    Well hello there pretty car. Maybe I can get my mom into one of these.

    I spilled some gas on my shoe once...

    @Ray Wert: That's why I hang out here.

    @Pete Gaines: Exactly. The government could have fixed this long ago with protectionist practices, but that only hurts the consumer in the long run. It also really pisses off our friends the Japanese.

    You get on tv a few times and now your capable of in depth industry analysis? ;)

    Yo Chrysler, new cars for 2010 requires you to start updating the assembly line a few months ago. Robots don't just magically build new cars. You just can't keep a secret when you have to do so much public preparation for it. Stop lying!

    They would have been better off just writing, "Yeah! What the other guys said."

    @Rock517: And I know they have weird weather over there, but it was really sunny. That was on purpose and I call shenanigans.

    The rest of the day is officially lost to best of craigslist.

    @The Name's Ash78, Housewares: Not to speak for him or anything, but the wordsmith that goes by Graverobber should write it for you for a 3% commission


    The aztek was just fugly, not a terrible vehicle and the H2 was just really bad timing. Other than that everything on the list is at least a decade old. Can we just forgive and forget on the promise that they will never do it again?