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    @Ash78: Are you trying to set a one-liner record today ;)

    @SamhitaJibber: How did you comment before Wes posted the article?

    It would take them years to decide anyhow. They would just watch trends and let the accountants decide.

    @Jeb_Hoge: six cylinders can do amazing things these days.

    Wes already told me it was awesome. I didn't need some silly British man to confirm it. I watch Clarkson for the entertainment value, not because he is the god of all car reviewers.

    Isn't baseless speculation fun?

    @will: The base GT is $26,500

    Every time a Nazi dies an angel gets its wings.

    @Ash78: That was fantastic.

    I've been in a head on crash with another car. That is some scary shit.

    I hope the good ol' boys from the SEC kick some California ass(Hippie, techie, or recently homeless. I won't discriminate). You will know they already passed by when you see buck-shot dents in the road signs.

    @my favorite car is a motorcycle: Its only been a year. All current ugly, uninspired products are Daimler products. It won't be until 2012 when we see a product made start to finish by The New Chrysler. You say Daimler had issues jumping into an American company, but failure to foresee potential problems is a failure

    Well done, even if it does make me sad.

    At the end of the day I'll still take a Caymen S over a GT-R.

    I'll take a baguette, beret, and the four citroens

    @Ash78: Its still $3.85 for premium by my house. $3.75 by work.

    Mini Contradiction

    MINI Travesty