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    @UDMan: Dude, its from yesterday. I may not have an attention span, but I still have a short term memory.

    @beercheck: Exactly what I was thinking! I have never seen a hydrant protected like this.

    How close were you to calling him 'Dad'?

    @al_beaton: It'll be a cold day in hell when I give up scotch. Might have to move down market to the magnum bottles of Dewar's, but...

    Can we just have booth-babes and pit-babes walk around naked?

    @bozoerrebbe: I do. But a mink is killed just to make scarf. A cow is killed to be my delicious hamburger. It just so happens that I get the bonus of using his skin for useful and durable clothing. Also, the furs are usually wild animals, the cow would never have existed in the first place if not for the huge

    So the ad says Audi drivers have a Pruis-owner like, holier-than-thou attitude?

    @nick2ny: For some all around fun info

    I'm no fan of fur coats, They were for the wealthy at one time, but have been relegated to big pimpin' status since at least 1990.

    I know many people who are set to graduate college in the spring. Not a single one of them has any prospects for a job. Same thing happened last year, but it wasn't this bad.

    0-60 in seven seconds does not make it a Tesla fighter. It makes it a poor substitute when you can't get a Tesla.

    @Stud Beefpile, sitting in for Deartháir: Wow, just read your second report in that thread. Its rare that the internet makes me laugh so hard other people in the office start to stare. (And John comes over going, "What? I want to see!" Eff off John) Thanks for that.

    Comments were top notch today.

    I take issue with Honda and VW. You can't fault a car maker for expanding into new markets. They are supposed make money, not make you happy.


    Wow. Thought Orca pod had it in the bag.

    Everyone is paying for something. First hill roller coaster drop in the DJIA again today.