Jb boin

On the DS4 it’s actually not purely cosmetical, the hybrid versions will have a battery pack under the central console which will even limit the armrest cubby size which seems huge on the ICE versions (sorry, i didn’t find a photo with the armrest opened) :

There’s nothing in em

This is you yelling at clouds a little bit.
I prefer a comfortable, spacious center console for a few reasons:
It’s more comfortable for my right arm. I have a bad shoulder and am left handed, so center consoles are the shiznit.
I’m no longer a regular recipient of, ahem, affection, from females in my passenger seat that

The car says “Tja”

Nisssan did better with the same color :

Can someone please take Nissan's steering wheel designer out behind the shed?

Now playing

Pfft, there is really only one impressive tow by a production off roader. The Touareg towing a 747.

The worse the bullshit is, the higher the Tesla stock goes.

Crazy thing is with our (US) power infrastructure being old and barely operable; decentralized power generation might be an answer. Not the whole, but part.

Important note: Nissan sells a lot of shit in countries that aren’t as robust in the infrastructure department, let’s say. An electric Tsuru might not be a wise choice in a country where they barely even have electricity.

It’s not the case in free countries.

Hey I’ve seen this race in 2017! These Twingos look fun as hell, and a race-prepped car costs only 5k€! I may give that a go someday.

David Tracy’s track record on fixing friend’s cars: https://jalopnik.com/i-tried-fixing-my-friends-mini-cooper-s-but-i-screwed-u-1841575009

It’s fitted with a high-flow cat.

That brings new meaning to “Cat-back Exhaust”

If you can think it, someone has done it.