I'm curious how anal sex is related to First Nations issues?
I'm curious how anal sex is related to First Nations issues?
My mind went straight to the gutter and all I could think of was the freudian symbolism of the hot dog, the number 12 relating to inches of dick combined with the oral component of the question. It's possible that's where his mind went to as well, or my mind is sicker than most and he was actually thinking of a dozen…
It might be a fun challenge to plan a bank heist with no intent to go through with it but I would not expect law enforcement to give me the benefit of the doubt. I guess I'm saying I don't care if their threats were empty or not, it's impossible to really know and if they don't want to go on trial for their fantasies…
I've had a man call me "woman" with the grossest, most contemptuous tone as though that was the worst thing you could call a woman. He meant it as an insult. The fact that he was being hateful really didn't feel good, but the actual language he chose I cannot possibly be offended by. I think it's possible to use…
I do understand your argument. I also would really like a word that is as strong and powerful sounding as cock: one syllable, many consonants. The word "pussy" is like calling a man's erect penis "puppy." For this reason I like "cunt" when in reference to the vagina and surrounding areas. I'm rather young and have…
Hey, in case you are interested I just found out about this podcast called "Practical Defense" which covers some things that might be valuable to you, the episodes are only about 20 minutes long and the topic of each one is described so you can pick and choose the ones that most interest you. I really wish I could…
Just thought I'd paste this here for you originally from cassiebearRAWR
Based on what I've read, acquaintance rapists also have a "script" or general plan for how the encounter will play out, I suppose it would just be different than the stranger in the bushes rapist's plan. But yes, do what you can and do what you need to do for yourself.
I would recommend doing some reading on this subject. There are experts in law enforcement and security who study crime and criminal psychology and share that knowledge with us. I'm not saying your arguments are completely without merit but I think you are a little bit too quick to refute Tsathoggua's arguments…
I think you are absolutely right about the physical combat stuff, however one of the things that is taught in self defense is the psychology of the perp, they usually have a fantasy and an expectation of exactly how it will go: he will expertly, silently and quickly over take you. In this type of situation all you…
I almost had an orgasm doing seated shoulder presses using a machine. Had I been alone I totally would have seen it to completion but I felt so weird and uncomfortable about feeling that way in public. It wasn't a positive experience and I hope it doesn't happen again.
That one really pissed me off. I was at a party once and I arched my back to stretch and held it for a moment because it felt good, my then boyfriend expressed his annoyance that I was sticking out my chest for the guys to look at. I told him I was stretching and if the guys were looking it had nothing to do with…
The part about women giggling and how men don't makes it sound like women aren't serious and men are. He could have said something like "Women show more signs of feeling nervous or awkward when performing new or difficult movements because douchbags like me write lists like this one which serve to make them feel less…
I really wish I knew then what I know now. Sigh.
Sounds wonderful. It is also possible her feelings may change regarding the bj's and if not, it sounds like she's totally awesome anyway.
I enrolled myself in high school welding class in grade 10. I was the only girl with about 12 or 13 boys. On the first day, the teacher asked me and only me and in front of everyone why I chose to take his class. I told him I thought it would be a useful skill to have as an artist and something I could do later for…
That's a tough one. "9o% to 97% happy 99.9% of the time" is pretty good though. I would report similar figures. When I have been in that situation, I had to own some of my own dissatisfaction. The buddhists call it "dukkha" and everyone suffers from it regardless of how ideal their circumstances are. I was in a…
I felt guilty for not feeling guilty after my abortion. I didn't take it lightly either. I understood the ethical grey areas and I had some socially ingrained ideas about the holiness of motherhood but I never had any doubt that it was the right decision for me and I was so relieved when it was over. I had received…