

Self Defense: Steps to Survival by Katy Mattingly is a great book I read several years ago and wished I had come across it much earlier. The last part of the book are physical techniques that I only sort of looked at. Like many have commented, that stuff needs to be trained and practiced with qualified people. The

So this woman is a creepy jerk for taking this video, but it's totally o.k. for Jezebel to post said video with full knowledge that the people in it were not o.k with it? Am I mistaken? I'm not going to press that play button over top of that girl's face beneath the headline "Google Glass Video: Courtesy Sarah

Whoa, wait a second. Heartsill is quoted in this very article as saying that women can sue for any grief/distress/injury that is the result of the doctor's "negligence or failure to obtain informed consent." Obviously the hope is that doctors will be discouraged from performing the procedure at all for fear of

In the anecdote you shared, it sounds like it wasn't too difficult or a great expense or inconvenience for you to simply find another caterer, and I'm guessing that as a pagan you don't face quite as much discrimination on a day to day basis as some other people. I guess even though I tend to agree with you, I do

You could just go in there and anonymously explain what happened and see what the person at the desk says about it. There is a good chance that they will tell you that fees are capped at x dollars and that under the circumstances they are willing to waive the fee. Librarians are usually super nice. Collecting late

The word used is "respectable", not "respectful" and he doesn't say whose respectability he thinks is compromised by the sex acts his wife is asking for. Being this judgmental and assuming the worst based on such limited information is bad for the spirit in my opinion, but it's your spirit so do what you will.

There are 3 sentences describing this couple's situation and not one of them addresses what the nature of their sexual activities was leading up to that conversation. There is an unattributed quote of "semi-respectable" to describe the sex he wants (whether this is the wife being quoted based on her interpretation of

The words "semi-respectable" in quotation marks are unattributed in the article. That may be the words of the wife based on her interpretation of his reasoning, the words of the husband, or the words of the author based on her interpretation of the situation. There are literally 3 sentences devoted to describing

I don't know what to advise regarding whether to report him to the hospital or not, but please, absolutely, under no circumstances, however tempting it may be, respond to him in any way shape or form here on out. If he's built up some weird fantasy in his head that you two are pretty much already an item, any

The fact that it is pretend is precisely the point. Some women have rape fantasies while they rub one out and that in no way indicates that they actually want to be raped. Some women watch threesome porn and that in no way means that they want to or should have to bring another girl into the bedroom if her boyfriend

To all you armchair psychologists who are diagnosing the porn guy with a madonna/whore complex, imagine if a man hired a stranger to rape his wife because she confided that she fantasized about being raped by a stranger, we'd all expect the guy to know that people don't always want to experience in real life the

There are things I like having in my fantasies that I don't want in real life. Porn is just erotic fiction. It's not like the guy is out there having different sex with women he considers to be "whores". Like most of us, he probably has certain things he likes to keep in the realm of fantasy where it feels safe for

For the first 8 years, probably an average of 1.5 times a week. The last two years probably something like 1.5 times per month. I dunno, I'm busier than I used to be with other things, the salad days are over? I'm mostly o.k. with it and I think he is too. I was always the hornier of the two so if I'm o.k with it

I personally am not interested in porn. I was talking to my husband about what he finds appealing about porn and one of the things he said is that he can sort of experience things that he would never be comfortable with in real life. He can see things from the vantage point of a gang bang or a couple of guys having

Your advice makes logical sense, however...

I had an abusive boyfriend once. He thought that hitting women in the face or causing lasting injury to their bodies was wrong and only the worst kind of man would do that. That is how he defined abuse. Pushing me, throwing objects at me, punching me in the thigh, humiliating me both in private and in front of our

I can't remember the exact details, but one of the conditions of his sentence is the removal of his driver's license, likely not for the rest of his life though.

The kid was convicted. The "affluenza" defense was a grasping at straws effort on the part of his defense lawyers and they ALWAYS try ridiculous defenses when they have no case because it's their job to do all that they can for their clients, even when their client doesn't really have a chance in hell of being found

I agree with you that what he did was not murder, no one died (despite the very real risk of that happening). I haven't researched this enough to know if he was actually convicted of murder as some other commenters are saying, but from a moral standpoint, this guy practiced medicine without a licence, obtained