
It was a sarcastic comment about how historically it was more important how a woman looked and behaved than what she thought or had to say. I used it to criticize the original poster for hating Lena Dunham for slouching instead of judging her ideas and her work. Also, you may be good at math and posture but your

It sounds like your interpretation of this discussion may be coloured by personal experience. To remind you, the comment you took issue with was that it was o.k. to want to have sex for various reasons including just satisfying your partner, but it's not o.k. for your partner to feel that he should be entitled to

I'd be super surprised to hear anyone who has been in a long relationship say that they are and have always been 100% sexually fulfilled all of the time. It requires constant communication, ongoing personal healing of psychosexual baggage, compromises that don't undermine anyone's dignity or integrity and it doesn't

Yeah, we shouldn't hate her because she's slightly chubby, we should hate her because she's not graceful. Sigh, whatever happened to the good old days where every girl took a break from learning math to take classes on how to behave like a proper lady.

That is a test of what men find exclusively attractive in real life? I'm pretty sure no one including my husband of 9 years has ever actually found me attractive then. Actually, wait: I am pretty sure that my lovers have been attracted to me despite the fact that they watch blondes with big boobs and big asses

I will be your number one fan.

This article is written as though there is nothing in between fully grown out pubic hair and entirely bald. I don't look like a child after I clear a path to my clit for the sake of unencumbered cunnilingus. Also, I don't see a problem with people thoughtfully expressing their sexual preferences while respecting

I hear you. I can't imagine ever saying "yes" to someone random on the street. All of the people I've dated have been friends or casual acquaintances where I have a chance to actually develop an attraction for a guy. I am not interested in strangers and it doesn't matter how "hot" they are.

I'm not with Ladyology necessarily, but I don't think it is an over reaction to want to leave someone who would insist that you drop your career despite your expressed unhappiness about it. I don't think it is surprising at all that more men would chose to have their wife forget about her own career goals to ensure

A quick clean is good, I like to use things that already exist in my house, like a washcloth and warm water.

It's no wonder some people are single. A guy can't get around the fact that a girl won't swallow? Does he just not like having the mess spit back onto him? Couldn't he ask her to spit it into a hanky or something instead? If she doesn't take it in her mouth at all, couldn't he ask nicely and offer her a hanky and

I think the fact that you care about the truth is great. Some "smart men" likely care more about sounding like they are sure of the truth than actually finding out the truth. This "confidence" and "boldness" is advantageous in competitive environments I think. Hitler's public addresses made people feel GREAT! I'd

I'd be super pissed if I saw a guy kill a spider. Release it outside because spiders are awesome.

Thank you for the link!

My curiosity was stronger than my fear and revulsion so I looked at some before and after pictures on a plastic surgeon's website. There were about 20 examples. I couldn't believe that these women felt compelled to change their perfectly normal vaginas and the after pics were not even dramatically different. There

When I was young, boys would whine about how girls were physically harming them by not bringing them to climax. It was a guilt trip, and girls were sometimes naive about the obvious solution to it. Nowadays it just means disappointment I guess, in which case girls probably just respond by playing the world's tiniest

"Blue balls" is an actual physical condition that is physically painful. My husband went on an extended marching band tour when he was a teenager. There was really no privacy and quite a lot of time with girls and boys in close proximity on a crowded bus. One of the boys had to go to the doctor because of the pain

I agree generally. One thing that people seem to keep forgetting though, is that she did tell him to leave. She could have done it immediately but instead tried to be diplomatic which is understandable. I don't think people should be as judgmental of either party as they are being. It was an awkward situation and

I have "soldiered through it" before. It was awful and I don't feel good about it at all. Especially since I think my partners actually wanted me to have a good time. Now that I'm married it feels easier to stop mid way if I need to, my guy is not shy about taking care of himself and I can just cuddle and touch him

A little bit of education for those who require it: Girls do not "blue ball" guys. The cure is literally in your hands and it is your responsibility to take care of yourself.