
gah, the moms!

Most people that I know that do have a problem with T have no idea what T is. I went to New Orleans on a business trip recently and a coworker commented that he was on the lookout for “transpeople”. I just told him that he already knows a few transgender people and probably never even thought about them as being

“the right to bare arms”

It’s not a mistake to be for equality for all people regardless of gender identity. Throwing people under the bus and saying only some of us deserve equal rights is not at all the right course.

Ahh, the Bible Belt... where the Golden Rule doesn’t apply.

Are you not getting the part where I’m literally quoting word for word the 14th Amendment? The point is that people DID want the Constitution amended to make this NOT a states issue and they successfully did so 149 years ago.

Well I really don’t appreciate you telling witty jokes that fly over my head.

The joke is that I am literally quoting word for word the 14th Amendment. The point I am making is that these protections are already in our Constitution and have been for 149 years. While originally written specifically with slavery in mind, they are protections broad enough to already include the LGBTQ community

This is incorrect for the following reason: The US Constitution allows for issues to be left up to the states that are not explicitly outlined as federal powers. For example, states are not responsible for (or allowed to) do things like borrow money on the credit of the United States or make treaties with foreign

this show is supposed to make me cry and it never does and I started to get worried about my emotions and maybe i’m dead inside? but then the season finale of top chef made me cry so fuck you milo and yr sexy towel body.

Listen, if people didn’t want this to be an issue left up to the states, and if they didn’t want states to be able to make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunizes of citizens of the United States or allow individual states to protect one group of people but deny to any other person within

Mein Nipple Clamphf?

Yep. Came here to say exactly this. Easiest comeback may be “oh you cheated on Sandra”, but I’ll stick with “oh you are that Nazi scum”.

And then the murders began.

Jesse James and Mel Gibson can go jerk each other off while staring unblinkingly in each other’s eyes while asking each other: “Don’t you think we’ve paid the appropriate price and our abominable behavior should never be spoken of again?”

I think you elided over the “Nazi cosplay enthusiast” aspect of Jesse James. 

I once got all the way to the offer letter stage of a process before discovering that they wanted to pay me $20k under what I was already making.

Came here to say the same thing. I tell all my candidates on the first interview our benefits, and discuss salary expectations. Why go through the whole process if it is only going to fall apart when salary is discussed.

The one thing i want is to just be honest. I want money, you need someone to do to work. If you give me enough money and i can do the work you need, we’ll both be happy.

I ask candidates in the first interview what their salary requirements are. I don’t want to waste my time or theirs if they are way out of my price range.