You know... If all those Jews, Roma, communists, and homosexuals didn’t live in Europe, Hitler wouldn’t have been able to kill them.
You know... If all those Jews, Roma, communists, and homosexuals didn’t live in Europe, Hitler wouldn’t have been able to kill them.
Found the terf.
It sounds like you’re trying to say that trans women have “loud voices” because they’re really men. And trans men are really women. If that’s so, then you’re just pretending to support trans men and trans masculine people -- you saw an opportunity to be transphobic, and took it. Correct me if I’m wrong, but your…
Breaking now: “Rep. Matt Gaetz, a Republican on the House Oversight Committee, drew swift backlash after sending out a tweet in which he appeared to threaten to release embarrassing details about Michael Cohen’s personal life on the eve of Cohen’s testimony before the panel...Gaetz’s tweet raised red flags among some…
...And then the girls get blamed for whatever happens to him. Which makes some degree of sense when we're talking about actual puppies, and not grown men who choose to put everything out there and have no filter. Thank U, Next.
I’ll give you successful but funny and attractive?
Bed-shitting puppies>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Pete Davidson.
He’s like the lost puppy who keeps getting found by the cute girls who wind up giving him away because they can’t break him of shitting the bed.
I remain completely baffled about the appeal of Pete Davidson.
Are the rights of trans prisoners more important than the rights of female prisoners to not be sexually assaulted?
But but but “both sides!”
TERFs aren’t feminists and have repeatedly worked with right wingers! The faster you realize they’re the enemy the faster we can win.
“Some people say the thing is bad. But still others say it is good. is it even possible to call something bad, if people insist it is good?”
that this is anti-trans anger coming from those who believe they’re defending the rights and safety of straight and gay women who are biologically female at birth?
Their rhetoric is really very much like Trump’s, in that it’s based on extreme “nationalism” and on a presumption of danger and collective guilt for the inherently violent and dangerous outsiders trying to invade their “country” — in the TERFs’ case, the country of Woman. Trans women for TERFs = Mexicans and other…
I first ran into the TERF phenomenon around the Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival in the early eighties. They were called separatists then.
why not acknowledge the distinctness or complexity of anti-trans harassment by radical feminists (vs. by bog-standard trans-and-homophobic cis/hetero people)
“Why are you championing the rights of men to access women in women’s prisons? And rape and sexually assault them as recently happened in the United Kingdom?”