Wow, that’s delusional. It’s about:
Wow, that’s delusional. It’s about:
I have a bigly vocabulary, huge, but when I read on my Kindle -- where getting a definition is as easy as touching the word -- I still look up words I know just to get a precise definition and explore it further.
I wonder how many of those look ups were coming from the White House... not saying that the White House is loaded full of a bunch of morans, but...
Not that SNL hasn’t gone after liberals recently. The Bubble sketch was pretty great.
I had my mother’s dictionary for about thirty years (and then if basically fell apart)—one of those giant, Random House ones with multiple languages in the back, as well as the periodic table, a section on weights and measures, etc.
I’m starting to think Dr. Luke isn’t a real doctor.
I agree. I thought it was weird that people saw it that way. I thought we were supposed to relate with Scarlet- the feeling when you find out someone you love is a Trump supporter. But maybe that’s the point- how you saw it depended on your perspective. Plus the dog was stinking cute!!!
In fairness, the dictionary is doing what it’s supposed to do. Schooling people.
I’ve seen a few people on Facebook share an article saying “SNL goes after Liberals” over the talking dog skit.
gross, jj.
Can we pool our money to set up a fake gay conversion camp for kids? We’ll be all churchy and then when the parents pull away, it’ll just be a regular fun camp for kids with shitty parents.
I have a daughter who’s only 9 but since she was 5 years old has wanted to be a boy. Dresses like a boy, has a haircut like a boy and only likes girls. I don’t see how any parent could send their child to one of these camps. I feel like we teach our child to accept everyone and that there’s nothing wrong with that.…
i have a trans son and lesbian daughter - every day is gay conversion therapy for me...i’m actually starting to see the appeal. the wife is on board, i’ll let you know how it goes.
did you see who we made president or
he said, “You should be thankful for having a man like me who accepts you.”
This is why I could never date a chaser, despite craving the physical intimacy that has eluded me since I transitioned almost 10 years ago. You’re looking for love, and all they want you for is a cheap thrill, something as easily discarded as the browser window on their favorite shemale porn site.
Bobby, are you sure you didn’t just die and go to heaven for a few minutes?
Jeff Sessions: “I did nothing wrong”
Charge your phone you heathen!
You’re close: