See my response to your subsequent post. I was neither picking a fight with you nor suggesting that what you said was untrue. It was their action I thought was strange, not your comment. Because Kansas did used to allow birth certificate changes — I wasn’t aware that, as the article you linked to states, the policy…
I wasn’t questioning your truthfulness, or picking a fight with you. I said it was “strange” in the sense of their refusal being strange, not your comment being untrue. Because people did used to be able to change their birth certificates in Kansas, back when I used to read a lot of articles on that subject. But…
And I’m telling you, as someone who lived in Kansas my entire life, that this information is incorrect. This is the problem, with people just constantly arguing with the actual realities in some states.
I kind of hope an intersex person takes them to court for it.
this. I really, really wish cis folx would stop suggesting that getting the BC changed is some kind of magic, simple process.
We often go through the dehumanizing ritual of going to the DMV, being misgendered as we slog through the list of employees just to renew our IDs and Driver’s Licenses. When I lived in…
Not all trans* folx have the financial or legal ability to make this happen. There are a lot of states in which they straight up refuse to amend Birth Certificates. in Kansas, for example, where I was born, this is a process they have personally informed me I will never get done without the intervention of the state…
This is so ridiculous. Like, what does biological or anatomical sex at birth even mean? What about intersex people?
We had the news on, and they were interviewing a trans woman who I would never have even guessed was trans if she hadn’t just said so. So my wife and I were talking about the fact that if that woman on the TV walked into the ladies room, neither of us would bat an eye. But if that same trans woman were forced to use…
The way some bills are doing it now is by stating that you have to use the bathroom based on “biological or anatomical sex at time of birth” regardless of what’s on your current legal documentation.
And that’s the point of these bills. They’re intended to lead to harassment and even violence against trans people with the hope that trans people either stop existing or at the very least stop going in public.
A new wave of restroom bills closes that loophole and state that restroom usage will be decided on original birth certificate. So, you can fully transition and look like a supermodel...too bad, you’re going to have to pee with the men/women.
It’s not a simple process, and not every state allows it. The laws concerning trans citizens’ rights are a hodgepodge of inconsistent and conflicting state laws and anti-civil rights bills currently in state legislatures. That’s why it would have been good for the Supreme Court to make a clear and final ruling on this…
My wife and I were just talking about this yesterday because there’s (yet another) anti-trans bill on the way through the TX legislature right now. We had the news on, and they were interviewing a trans woman who I would never have even guessed was trans if she hadn’t just said so. So my wife and I were talking about…
Don’t pretend that when Bye Bye Bye comes on, you don’t do the hand thing. It’s implanted in our generation’s DNA
I think it was a suicide.
When did toddlers become young ladies?
Pence. Man, he’s always being left out. *kicks dirt*
Emily Bazelon gave a brilliant TED Talk about how an empathy deficit affects autistic women/girls significantly more than men/boys. A lot of it is based on the inability to live up to cultural expectations. Girls are expected to understand how other people think and feel and are socially punished for failing to have…
if anyone needs me, i’ll be at the gym.