
The whole Trump election has frozen my heart so mightily I honestly would’ve lost it and screamed “go faux trip into the bathroom and let us sleep, vanilla Vicky”.

Hit it from the back, problem solved!

She was a rebel on the bridge at the VERY beginning of the movie, and she has a line that she shouts out to Leia et al. while Poe is leading the attack!

Side note - did anyone catch Michaela Cole in The Last Jedi, briefly? In the very beginning!

I hope his mug shot is A) really flooded with light to the point of being neon and over-exposed!

Kurt Russell was able to pull that off and agreed, it is an overlooked classic.

truly nothing will top the exquisite perfection of the very first season, though.

The milking thing was primal Star Wars. It’s indie filmmaker George Lucas making a weird 1970s space movie weirdness. RJ tapped right into that shit.

“And a shirtless Kylo Ren with a comically oversized chest.”

And the director failed at making a good movie... very meta.

 You are absolutely correct. I’m a gay man living with my partner and we have been fighting a spirit like what she described for a year now. It even followed us after we moved. We have no one to turn to for help and honestly I’m sick of this disgusting thing. We want it gone so bad.

Maybe the ghost exerts a sort of pressure but only when it wants to—so at some point you feel like you’re hugging something solid, but its a block of ice and not the warm flesh of the living.

Michael Bay’s Titanic made a much more explosive impact than Cameron’s.

Nah, Weinstein is a huge rat and needs to be dealt with accordingly. Cold, sharp Hattori Hanzō steel is the way to go.

I need to watch this movie more.

Kill Bill is fucking great, but going full Death Proof might be more cathartic

God Bless Texas Women.

Apu is a relic from the 90s, much like the Simpsons as a whole. I didn’t think people still watched it.

I’m about half a generation older than Lena Dunham, but grew up in very similar circumstances and went to a very similar set of schools. Like, seriously, if we were the same age we absolutely would’ve known each other at least a bit and partied together here and there.

Listen to how he talks about the women in his life. That’s how he’ll talk about you after the initial rush wears off.