
It’s not clear that Frank is actually having affairs with anyone. Diana Gabaldon herself says the “clues” are only seen through Claire’s eyes. Claire, who is absolutely miserable back in the 19th century, and jealous and angry to boot. There is, of course, huge disagreement over this issue, but since DG herself

Ed Sheeran loves to delete his tweets!

I know, right! He may qualify as a top-5 all time reprehensible but still AWESOMELY ENTERTAINING villain. (Also in that group is David Tennant as Kilgrave.) Because I am a nerd, I have developed a villain classification system:

So THAT’S where Edmure Tully got to...

I think she had to make Frank kind of an asshole to explain why someone so rational and science-based as Claire would still be in love with Jamie and would choose to live in a time without any modern amenities. Of course you’re going to want to be with Jamie when your husband is shtupping his grad students.

Oh, please tell me you guys are going to continue weekly coverage of this show here. The AV Club announced that they’ve dropped it from their regular TV coverage, and I don’t think my heart could take it if you do, too.

Has Tucker ever been to college or Spring Break on South Padre Island or anywhere college students party? Or even seen the Jersey Shore? (Show and actual place.)

OHHHH!! Shit man! I found this one picture that similar to this that I want to show everyone but can’t because it’s sexually explicit. This couple did a face swap but instead of both of their faces... They swap the dude’s face with the woman’s vagina! Fuck! I wish you all could see it!

anything for Selenas

ChapStick is bad for your lips in that it dries them out so you’ll have to use more. Use Vaseline instead.

Ayla may have discovered fire and animal husbandry but Jondalar discovers the clitoris! So who’s the real hero here?

Is it me or do a lot of male actors not know how to stand on the red/whatever color with ad background carpet and be photographed? So many of these guys just do the “awkward feet and arms hanging like a caveman” thing.

JOE DEMPSIE. And one of my coworkers thinks I’m crazy for being convinced that Gendry is coming back. That is my only comment here because I need to see these photos on my laptop. For some reason, these fashion wrap up photos are always super fuzzy on my phone.

Good. They’re little more than Old Boys Networks that bully and harass under the name of “Brotherhood”.

I can’t help but feel a little bad for Shia, but in a “please, Darling, seek professional help” kind of way.

She’s an orphan on a desert world who dreams of being a pilot in a military. She’s also a very good natural pilot and good at fixing machinery. She also finds a quirky droid that is being hunted by space nazis. All of which bear a strong resemblance to Luke in ANH.


I usually agree with you on everything. But man, LoTR is so sanitized and everyone happily stays in their own little class structures and is perfectly content to serve their absolute monarch of a king. I love Game of Thrones (well, the books...the show lacks a hell of a lot of nuance as compared to the books) because

I have met my fantasy series for life: Lord of the Rings.

I refer you to Mad Max: Fury Road. Starring, gee who was it hahaha.