White privilege
White privilege
Right? I feel like I could have lived the rest of my life just not knowing that information at all. :-/
Glad I wasn’t the only one thinking that...
This would be quite effective were it not for the fact that “women: you have to treat them like sh*t” is the subtext for the entire Republican party.
“Liberal Tears brand gauze” aka Obamacare :D
Am I being too serious about it?
Last night, CNN host Don Lemon succeeded in doing what he sets out to do every night, garnering attention for the…
Even if you are paying attention, there’s always a chance for disaster. The Pirates had a coach, Don Long, who was seriously injured from a broken bat, and he was also watching the batter swing. Stuff happens sometimes
On the penultimate episode of Mad Men, viewers were shocked by a Betty Draper curveball, that, as far as I can tell…
My new diet rule is going to be Don’t read Lifehacker, since it insists on subjecting me to pictures of Samoas. So hungry...
For me it's the Celery Test. I can't stand plain, dry, celery. If I'm willing to eat that, then I must be very hungry indeed!
I think they made themselves perfectly clear: more peanut brittle-y, but don't lose all of the fudginess.What other context do you need?
I enjoyed this article.
being basic is mad chill IMO
You should comment less.
And cupcake liners. Seems unlikely.
Soooo... I don't have a muffin tin, but I do have mason jar rings?
They really do. I used those when I moved from Michigan to LA and it was amazing. But, because you can fit so much in, your bags can get very heavy!
That's an interesting idea. Let me see what I can do.