This is funny, I just lost 10 lbs. eating canned soup and rice cakes for dinner every night.
This is funny, I just lost 10 lbs. eating canned soup and rice cakes for dinner every night.
how's that attitude working out for you?
Where are you supposed to feel this stretch? It just made my thighs burn and the heel of my hand sore.
I'm a woman, was into math and science throughout my school career, been a professional web developer for over 10 years, and own my own company, and I buy it.
Hmm, if there's no way to specify that you only have netflix online (not DVDs), then this is pretty useless for me. It keeps suggesting stuff that's on DVD only. EDIT: never mind, I found it under Filter. Too bad you have to set it every time, I feel like that should be an account preference.