
How much sense would it make if they said "iPhone 5's thinner and fatter"? I mean, seriously man.

I'd get one. Just saying...

is there even a dummy in that picture...?

not impressed.

@minibeardeath: they didn't say anything to the people who hacked Kinect, I'm sure they'll stay quiet on this too...

to be honest, I expected better CGI from this movie, but maybe they'll brush up on that before release. still looks like it'll be a pretty amazing movie though

@Calrekabooki: hmmm, nothing hotter than male camel toe =/

@ignacio reyes: you'd be surprised, I think I recall the reviewer of one of the iPhones on Giz taking pictures of food to test the camera.

@schunniky: I'd like to refer you to the HD7 if you haven't already seen it

@SkipErnst: Jarvis has to be able to talk to them SOMEHOW.

@orphic1: don't jizz on it... ;)

@HackBerry: I'd get horny enough to do that too after years of being dead and no sex

@vinod1978: "7 hour movie play". Maybe you should reconsider that.


@vein11: to be fair, there's no specs on the WinPho7 phone, but yeah, this one looks nicer. Personally, I'd still go for the WinPho7 device. I wasn't particularly impressed by Android, but Windows Phone 7 shows SERIOUS potential

@vein11: nope, this is an Android phone. Please direct your attention to this link:

@xair: *sets SMS tone to "I'm scared Dave... will I dream?" and ringtone to "Daisy Bell"*