
I think this is the Android equivalent to the Kin. It looks like a regular phone, but it's something so much more! In a way, this can be both good and bad for Android. Good news is, it can probably help dumb-phone users get into the smartphone crowd. But then it can also lead to Android being misunderstood and

@malcs: took the words right out of my mouth

I've been sold since I saw this when it was first announced. Now it seems, I'm solder (if that's even possible). Microsoft seems to know what they're doing and it feels great that I've been backing this horse for so long. Good luck, Apple, because with the iPhone 4 fuck up, you're going to need it.

@OreoExplosion: I don't own a Mac so I'm not sure how that one would work. I don't have those problems on Win7, but my Office suite is fine too, so there's a chance that Silverlight might give you some problems, so I can't actually advise you for Mac, sorry.

@Marry me, Ayn Rand.: It's worked on Chrome for me too, so I'm assuming it should for Firefox aswell

@Lord_Data: Yes you should, there's a bunch of other apps you can install once you've got Silverlight. Their facebook client for example is really good. It was only in beta last time I looked it up, but they had a good thing going. Trust me, you'll want to do it.

@Panzer23: I hope you're being sarcastic... the highest cap we have here in Bahrain is about 60GB.

Hmm, this would have been big news a few months back... you know, before the Evo came out. Now this seems like a redundant route for them to take. Yeah, it gives HD2 owners a chance to use Android on that screen size etc, but they can do the same, hassle free at any phone shot right?

@pseudorocket: Now it's obvious that you don't know what you're talking about. WinPho7 is NOT a phone version of Windows7. It's not even related to Windows7 in any sense other than the number and company that made it. WinPho7 is a COMPLETELY new OS that has been developed specifically for a phone. Look it up before

@pseudorocket: You MIGHT have a point there, but hackers managed to port iPhone apps to the ZuneHD and if I'm correct in assuming that both WinPho7 and the ZuneHD OS are based on the same platform, then those ported apps should work on WinPho7, even if it takes a little warranty voiding to do so. Apps aren't such an

@EnemaBagJones: Then it should be in the left breast pocket. You know, because the heart is on the left side of the ribcage.

@pseudorocket: I agree with chefgon, they actually ARE right on time. iPhone OS only JUST became a respectable phone OS with iOS4 and Android 2.2 which has turned a geek's toy into a serious phone OS with so much more realised potential than people were originally aware of. Very few phones have Android 2.2 right now

@crimsoneye: I'd rather have a holographic beach with colourful cocktails and women in holographic grass skirts... but everyone's different

@theGreenCabbage: or more likely, they're going to take what they think is the best of both OS's and make a pile of utter crap.

@buzztechyear: i'd have thought they would. PS3 has it too and frankly, even though it's not a deal breaker, it's made me think again about buying this version of the Xbox 360. it looks sexy, but it's missing a finer detail or two...

@TranquilNight: true, but i doubt it. all the new Android phones have sort of agreed to not have specs better than a set maximum. on paper, none of them are truly better than the rest. 1GHz processor, around 512MB RAM, the only thing that makes this phone stand out is the 4.3" screen which wasn't even their idea to

first off, whatever they have going on on the screen is disgusting... it really makes the phone look crappy. secondly it's only that much bigger than the Evo because of poor design. there's a TON of wasted space on there.