JayZAyEighty thinks C4+3=C7

Photo credit BMW



I've seen most episodes, and I think the title should be changed to "Fuck You Edd".

Still the best looking one.

No, WE don't have to redefine anything. You're welcome to drink whatever Kool Aid you like, but the rest of us see the reality for what it is: the government and regulators telling us that we can't do the things we love anymore, for our own good.

Judging by the fact that the guy was rollin doors open, I am almost positive he is just a d-bag who can't drive.

Here's the original clip:

Ditto, no big deal.

Man up. I do it on a daily basis.

Was the Jew larger or smaller than the Scout?

Unless there are kids involved or the spouse is disabled, spousal support is a complete farcical mound of bullshit. We should do away with it. The sooner we do away with it, the sooner divorced men can afford better celebratory "finally free!" cars.

I hate hate it when she finds my gay.

I haven't see a ghost rounding third base since Field of Dreams.

FR-S, no question. It's what I got my dad to buy after my parents split up, and it's the perfect divorce car. When my dad was shopping, I asked:

There most certainly is! The Law of Darwinism!

A new Ferrari with one of these:

Nice parking job.

Anything showing wrists, ankles or face is considered X-rated to certain people, I suppose.