JayZAyEighty thinks C4+3=C7

Surely this:


‘Sinophobia’ is the word you’re looking for. But it’s more like PRC-phobia. MSSMan doesn’t have so much to strawman there, though.

What’s your point? You linked an article several years older than my device in question, and just reiterated what I said in my initial comment. I know that Chinese corporations’ hands are all over most any electronic device made these days, but I mitigate that as I can (which I already acknowledged is far from total).

Blackberry Priv (I know), and a newcomer Vaio. The old school phone will need to go soon—and that’s probably going to be supplanted by a Pixel 4A from Vietnam—but for now it’s a real anachronism (edit: as in designed in one neighboring democracy, mfd. in another) in in a few ways. And a tank of one at that!

My phone is assembled in Mexico, my laptop in Japan. Certainly there are Chinese components in them, but I do what I can and I don’t necessarily assume someone else doesn’t.  Granted, what you say is usually the case.

There’s the Communist Party, and the party Jalopnik throws regularly to celebrate the taste of Xi’s scrotum.

That’s an insight to me, though the fleet sales are a definite boon to the Big Three. Every once in a while I see some truly baffling vehicle choices in municipal fleets, but it’s good to know that there are informed decisions happening somewhere; Hyundai/Kia offers undeniable value in most segments these days. I was

Somehow I find myself wondering if tax dollars generated, in part, from the manufacturing of American vehicles couldn’t have gone to buying some of the more proven American vehicles like the Cruze, Impala, Fusion, and others that (will) have languished into cancellation.

Last two terms seem to negate the first two in any meaningful application.

Don’t go off road or *gasp* do drive domestic? Post is probably not literal...


Been boycotting made in China for two years now. Please buy some extra detained-Uighur-made textiles to compensate for my xenophobia! Fuck people being paid living wages, besides. I need my cheap (read: cheap) shit to have the most substantial environmental impact possible, produced in a place with near-no

Not sure that I’m following. You’re exceptionally glad that your wife, who lives in the U.S., takes pleasure in the capacity of weapons built to destroy or threaten... the U.S.? Because something something about the dumb head of state?

I see where that would be misinterpreted, but I was only using that as a place-marker and formative event in the present state of trade relations with China. I would support any notion things before and since have been turbulent and tainted by the predominance of the private interest over the public, granted on a far

I don’t understand your disagreement. I’m not talking about the entire history of corruption, I’m talking about modern China trade policy.

No, I’m saying that’s how long we’ve been getting fucked over bysupposed “solid deals” made by corrupt asshats.

Please enlighten us on this “solid deal between the world’s two biggest economies” that was implemented—or even a matter of accord--since Tricky Dick took a trip to the People’s Republic.

There is no 2019.  XT5 perhaps?

Poor widdle Volkswagen AG. Why can’t the just allow the process of economic attrition—by the mind-fuck that is the trade status quo with China--to continue so that a European multinational corporation can continue to deliver a higher profit there from the fruits of stolen IP and a near-scheduled and politically