
We read A Handmaids Tale in grade 12, and I loved it. Though that was mostly because my teacher was a huge Atwood fan.

Here, Here. Poorly written is the last thing those books are. Even as the fourth and fifth books got pretty messy in their plotting and are overlong, Martin's prose is pretty uniformly excellent.

They definitely edit Courtney to be as bitchy/confident as possible, but even with the editing, so she's nowhere near what past "bitchy" queens have been (i.e. Roxxxy and Phi Phi) and is often pretty on point with things she has to say (like with Brandon this week). Darienne is really starting to grate. I love Adore,

I like Adore, and totally get her shtick. Also, really cute out of drag.

Not really. Tatiana was robbed, but they also awarded Amy Phoeler, who has consistently been overlooked. So I said one disappointment was kind of balanced out by another suprise. Ass.

Wow, they've really managed to be totally spot-on and "huh?" in equal measure.

Fuck yeah Cuaron. It's about damn time.

That wonderful blond at the top of this page.

True. But Amy finally winning kind of balanced it out, karmically.

Ah, I was wondering how all of a sudden a liberal entertainment site would be flooded with such comments.

I invite you to go to the EW article about this (I know, EW, gross!). Every once in a while the site gets taken over by far-right wingers who descend upon stories like this (and Duck Dynasty, of course). Just The Usual, like saying she's a cow who should be slaughtered, and that she's a "even worse than a communist",

Yeah, I agree the Bennett story line is Justified's crown jewel. It wouldn't have worked as well without a powerhouse matriarch, and luckily Martindale was effin brilliant. That final "apple pie" scene was on my mind for a long time.

Agree that season 4 is the best. I remembered season two mainly for the Bennett story line, but upon re-watch I realized it doesn't really kick in until the fifth or sixth episode or so, where initial episodes are quite self-contained. Season 4 sticks with the main plot pretty consistently, and does the serialized

Dark places is my favourite of her three, although I'm sure Gone Girl will end up being the better adaptation with Fincher at the helm.

Me like things too:

One very sad, lonely soul.

I did the exact same thing. Silly AV Club. At least basically every other critical body recognized it (currently tied for best of the year for year-end lists on Metacritic)

RE Daniel, I'd say he was in shock, hence the lack of an emotional reaction post-shooting.

The talent of all involved is awe inspiring. Awards for everyone, dammit!

The level of talent involved in making that show scares me. Goddamn genius.